Classroom Presentations & Field Trips
Chapter Volunteers work closely with the staff of Columbia National Wildlife Refuge to introduce area school children to habitats and wildlife on the Refuge. Over one thousand students from Othello, Ephrata, Connell, Warden, Moses Lake, and other communities are reached with this program. Classroom presentations and guided field trips are provided.

Elementary students at the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge

Laramie Masked Bird Walk, June 2019. Photo Credit Evan Barrientos.
Guided Tours
Chapter Volunteers lead birding field trips for CBAS members and the public alike. These field trips may go far afield to the Olympic Peninsula or North Idaho, or may stay close to home visiting the Potholes Wildlife Area or the Beezley Hills. Birders of all skill levels - from the very beginner to the expert - are encouraged to attend. Our skilled leaders take the time to make sure everyone has a chance to see birds, both common and unusual.
Ron Van Nurden Memorial Scholarship
For graduating high school seniors who are planning a career in the field of Environmental Education, Environmental Stewardship, or Wildlife Conservation or in the field of Natural History.
Download Application Requirements and Application Form (2025)

Chapter Volunteers work to support community-based events such as Othello's Sandhill Crane Festival. Members are active on the planning committees, lead field trips, and provide other expertise to help make these celebrations successful.
Pelicans at North Potholes Preserve. Photo credit Margaret Heming.
CBAS partners with other organizations and with agencies to provide sustainable economic development through watchable wildlife projects. Working with the Coulee Corridor Consortium, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, National Audubon Society, area school districts, and others, we worked to create the Coulee Corridor Birding Map, the second leg of the Great Washington State Birding Trail.
Chapter Members advocate for protecting our precious wildlife habitats. They attend meetings and conferences, write letters, and talk to their representatives with the message that Habitat is the Key to Wildlife.